
Inform users that a TWiki site has moved to a new location


Sometimes a TWiki site is migrated to a new location with a new URL. For convenience users visiting the old site should find the new site. When this skin is installed and enabled at the old TWiki site, users will see a yellow moved message box instead of page content. A configurable MOVEDMESSAGE is set to inform users of the new location.

For scheduled downtime & temporary maintenance it is better to use the read-only skin mode of the TopMenuSkin or PatternSkin instead of this MovedSkin. For this, define a BROADCASTMESSAGE setting and a Set READONLYSKINMODE = 1 setting in Main.TWikiPreferences.


Click for full screen image


Note: You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this skin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the skin on the TWiki server.

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script, follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section, and look for the MovedSkin.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the Plugins home (see below).
    • Unzip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
      File: Description:
      data/TWiki/MovedSkin.txt Skin topic
      pub/TWiki/MovedSkin/*.png Screenshots
      templates/view.moved.tmpl Skin template file
      lib/TWiki/Contrib/ Skin Perl module
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.

Enabling Moved Message

1. Define a MOVEDMESSAGE setting in Main.TWikiPreferences so that the moved message takes effect site-wide. Example:

  * Set MOVEDMESSAGE = __NOTE:__ The %WIKITOOLNAME% site has been moved to a new location. The page you are trying to access is now at: %BR%%BR% %BR% Please update your bookmarks. %BR%%BR% Questions? Ask %WIKIWEBMASTER%

The view/%WEB%/%TOPIC% makes sure that the user ends up the new location of the current page.

If you want the page to redirect automatically to the new site you can add a meta tag to the MOVEDMESSAGE setting. This example redirects after 5 seconds:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=" />

2. Test the yellow moved message box:

3. Active the skin site-wide by changing the SKIN setting in Main.TWikiPreferences:

  * Set SKIN = moved

TWikiSkins has details on skin activation.

Skin Info

Skin Author: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Copyright: © 2012 Wave Systems Corp.
© 2012 TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny,
© 2012 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Sponsor: Wave Systems Corp.
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Description: Inform users that a TWiki site has moved to a new location
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Preview: Preview with this topic
Base Name: moved
Skin Version: 2012-12-16
Change History:
2012-12-16: TWikibug:Item7085: Initial version
Dependencies: None
Skin Home:

Related topic: TWikiSkins, TWikiSkinBrowser, UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory

Topic revision: r1 - 2012-12-17 - TWikiContributor
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.MovedSkin.