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  • Research Director at the unit of CNR-ISC based at Sapienza University - Rome - Italy

  • Scientific Interests: granular materials, active matter, stochastic thermodynamics, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, computational cognitive science

  • Principal Investigator of the ERC/FIRB project GRANULARCHAOS (years 2009-2014)

  • Principal Investigator of the regional (Lazio) project MICROSORT (years 2019-2020)

  • Ph. D. Thesis on Granular Gases (2002): html and pdf

  • see also a brief description of activities of the Granes group at ISC-CNR page ...





  • new!: 2021, the organisation of the conference for the 40 years of stochastic resonance has started! It will be held in Perugia from 13 to 15 September 2021.

  • new!: 2021, A course (second year) for Ph. D. students in Sapienza/Roma3 on Stochastic Thermodynamics, see the presentation

  • new!: 2020, the first SIFS school, will be held in LUCCA-IMT, from August 31 to September 10, 2020, see the website (school canceled for covid19 emergency)

  • new!: 2020, nominated Outstanding Referee for 2020, by APS

  • new!: 2020, we (with Caprini and Marini Bettolo Marconi) have published on Phys. Rev. Lett. a numerical study showing that "flocking" (at least at short-range) is present also in purely spherical repulsive active Brownian particles, i.e. that velocities spontaneously align even in the absence of explicit Vicsek forces


  • new!: 2020, A new course for Ph. D. students in Sapienza/Roma3 on Stochastic Thermodynamics, see the presentation

  • new!: 2019, A conference at Accademia dei Lincei on the origin of theoretical models, it will take place on the 27-29 November 2019. See the webpage. (The event has appeared also on the CNR journal )

  • new!: 2019, we (with Plati, Baldassarri, Gnoli and Gradenigo) have published on Phys. Rev. Lett, a numerical study of the full experimental setup for granular rotational diffusion, discovering a strong collective motion that emerges when density is large enough

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  • new!: 2018, we (with Angelani, Baldassarri, Cecconi and Gnoli) have won a funding (150kEuro) for a project (MICROSORT) on the physics of sperm

  • new!: 2018, we (with Caprini, Bettolo Marconi and Vulpiani) have published on Phys. Rev. Lett a comment to a previous study on thermodynamics of active (living) matter, where we offer a possible solution to a debate about the proper definition of entropy production

  • new!: 2018, we (with Gnoli, De Arcangelis, Giacco, Lippiello, Pica Ciamarra and Sarracino) have published on Phys. Rev. Lett, a study of viscosity in dense granular media, which decreases abruptly at a thresold vibration frequency and is recovered at a larger vibration frequency

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  • recent: 2017, online a video with a talk given at the ECEA4 conference on stochastic thermodynamics for active particles

  • recent: 2017, we (with Manacorda) have published on Phys. Rev. Lett, a study of a lattice model for inertial active particles which shows collective swarming, aster-like clusters and underdamped propagating waves

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  • recent: 2017, we (with Sarracino and Vulpiani) have published a review paper on Physics Reports about the definition of temperature in and out of equilibrium in classical statistical mechanics

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  • recent: 2017, we (with Bettolo and Maggi) have published a paper on Scientific Reports where entropy production and heat are connected - as in the Clausius relation - in a model of self-propelled (active) particles, like bacteria or sperm

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(we have also compared our Clausius relation with other formula in a more recent paper )

  • recent: 2017, I am editing (with Sarracino and Vulpiani) a special issue of the "Entropy" journal on the theme "Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Small Systems"


  • 2016, published on Scientific Reports, an experimental and theoretical study of granular rheology under vertical vibration (in collab. with A. Gnoli, A. Lasanta and A. Sarracino)


  • 2016, published on New J. Phys, an experimental and theoretical study of the response velocity of a 3d-printed "walker" moving on a vibrating plate (in collab. with N. Koumakis, A. Gnoli, C. Maggi and R. Di Leonardo)

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  • 2016, published on Phys. Rev. Lett, a numerical study of the response of an inertial particle in a "rotating" flow, with very strange nonlinear effects (in collab. with Cecconi, Sarracino and Vulpiani)

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  • 2016, published on Phys. Rev. Lett, an experiment on granular thermal convection induced only by dissipative lateral walls (in collab. with Gnoli, Pontuale and Vega-Reyes)


  • 2015: Spring 2015 seminars: during the spring of 2015 we had a lucky sequence of three seminars given by young colleagues who - in the recent past - have worked in our group, and are now exploring new interesting paths in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics; following the above link you can retrieve the titles, abstracts and slides of the three seminars.

  • 2015-2016, a series of published papers on fluctuating hydrodynamics of granular fluids derived from a microscopic model (in collab. with Manacorda, Lasanta, Plata and Prados)
Fluctuating hydrodynamics and mesoscopic effects of spatial correlations in dissipative systems with conserved momentum [N. J. Phys. 17, 083039 (2015)]
Lattice models for granular-like velocity fields: Hydrodynamic limit [J. Stat. Phys. 164, 810 (2016)]
Lattice models for granular-like velocity fields: Finite-size effects [J. Stat. Mech. 093203 (2016)]

  • 2015-2016, a series of published papers on statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of small systems and heat engines (in collab. with Cerino and Vulpiani)
epl.png A kinetic model for the finite-time thermodynamics of small heat engines [Phys. Rev. E 91, 032128 (2015)]
Linear and nonlinear thermodynamics of a kinetic heat engine with fast transformations [Phys. Rev. E 93, 042116 (2016)]
Consistent description of fluctuations requires negative temperatures [J. Stat. Mech. (2015) P12002]
Entropy production for macroscopic velocity-dependent forces: the problem of dissipation without fluctuations [Europhys. Lett. 111, 40012 (2015)]

  • 2015, our research is covered by Nova (science&technology from Il Sole 24 Ore) here

  • 2015, published on Phys. Rev. Lett, an experiment on cages and super-diffusion in a vibrated dense granular medium
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  • 2015: A Springer Brief on granular fluids:
  • 2014: A Springer-LNP on Large Deviations:

  • 2014: an experiment on non-equilibrium Fluctuation-Dissipation relation, performed in our Granular Dynamics Lab, published on Plos One (open access!)

  • 2013: a Brownian motor ("ratchet") effect driven only by dry friction , published on Phys. Rev. Lett.

  • 2011-2012: experiments on a quasi-2d granular fluid with non-equilibrium-induced ("dissipative") structures

  • 2010: The Granular Dynamics Lab is open, have a look at the lab page


  • Corso 2' anno laurea specialistica in fisica (valido anche per dottorandi): Introduzione alla teoria dei processi stocastici e applicazioni in fisica : informazioni

  • Corso di dottorato (Ph.D): Introduction to stochastic thermodynamics : notes and videos

  • A very complete historical and conceptual introduction to Brownian Motion and the concept of velocity in it: preprint

Organised conferences

  • Anomalous Transport: from Billiards to Nanosystems conference held in Sperlonga from 20 to 24 September 2010, please visit the webpage

  • a workshop on Non-equilibrium fluctuation-response relations held in Giglio Island June 5-8, 2012, see webpage

  • a day on Quasi-fluids and quasi-solids: the dynamics of active and granular matter held during the XVII National Conference on Statistical Physics held in Parma, June 20-22, 2012, see website

  • a 1-month program on Small system nonequilibrium fluctuations, dynamics and stochastics, and anomalous behavior, July 1-26, 2013 in Beijing (China) at Kavli-China institute, see webpage

  • a conference on Large deviations and rare events in physics and biology September 23-25, 2013 in Rome at Sapienza University, see webpage

  • a conference on Strolling on Chaos, Turbulence and Statistical Mechanics September 22-24, 2014 in Rome at Sapienza University, see webpage

  • a small workshop on Statistical Mechanics of non-Hamiltonian systems May 12-13, 2015 in Rome at Sapienza University, see webpage

  • a conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Small Systems September 18-20, 2017 in Rome at Sapienza University, see webpage

  • a conference on the origin of theoretical models November 27-29, 2019 at Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, see webpage. (The event has appeared also on the CNR journal )


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