Difference: Publications (29 vs. 30)

Revision 302009-12-28 - FabioCecconi

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  • A Ammenti, F Cecconi, U Marini-Bettolo-Marconi and A Vulpiani,
    A statistical model for translocation of structured polypeptide chains through nanopores
    J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 10348 (2009)

  • F Piazza, P De-Los-Rios and F Cecconi,
    Temperature dependence of normal mode reconstructions of protein dynamics
    P.R.L. 102, 218104 (2009)
  • F Ginelli, M Cencini and A Torcini,
    Synchronization of spatio-temporal chaos as an absorbing phase transition: a study in 2+1 dimensions
    JSTAT P12018 (2009)
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