Anomalous proton charge-transfer transport in nanostructured p-i-p+ multilayers Functional electroceramics based on mixed oxyspinels are known to be widely used for temperature-humidity measurements and control. The main idea of this work is to develop high-reliable multilayers based on such oxyspinel compounds for possible advanced industrial application in environmental monitoring and energy saving using nanostructured interlayer design of different conductive-isolating ceramics. Temperature sensitive Cu0.1Ni0.1Co1.6Mn1.2O4- and Cu0.1Ni0.8Co0.2Mn1.9O4-based pastes with p- and p+-type of electrical conductivity were prepared by mixing powders of basic ceramics (the sintered bulk ceramics were preliminary destroyed, wet-milled and dried) with ecological glass powders (without PbO), inorganic binder Bi2O3 and organic vehicle in one layer (p- and p+-type of electrical conductivity) and p-р+ and p-р+-р-junction. The obtained p, p+ thick-films, double-layered p-р+ and triple-layered p-р+-р structures possess promising electrical characteristics in the range of 298-368 К. The temperature constant were 3615 and 3830 K for p-р+ and p-р+-р-junctions, respectively. Obviously, the increase of layer numbers of these structures results in the improvement of their temperature sensitivity. In addition, the p-р+-р-structure show high-reliable temperature sensitive after additional ageing tests at 170 oC during 250 h without degradation, in contrast to single p- and p+-type films. So thick-films in p-p+ and p-р+-р-junctions can be used as high-reliable temperature sensitive structures for integrated temperature/humidity sensors (especially, in p-i-p+ design, where i denotes humidity-sensitive nanoporous magnesium aluminate MgAl2O4 compound). Anomalous proton charge-transfer processes caused by simultameous influence of ambient temperature and humidity were first discovered in the prepared nanostructured p-i-p+ multilayers. The first of them, the effect unusual positive temperature coefficient of resistance, was observed in p-i-p+ multilayers under temperature increase beyond dew point. This effect is supposed to be caused by water molecules transport between junction and environment atmosphere. In this regime, the electrical characteristics of doublet p-i and i-p+ multilayers are governed by hopping proton charge-transfer within structurally intrinsic nanopores filled with water. The second anomalous process, a so-called humidity-voltaic effect, was observed as electric motion force generation caused by orientation influence of separate electric fields of p-i and i-p+ multilayers. This effect was strongly dependent on technical parameters of p-i-p+ nanostructure, reaching 0.1-0.2 V for typical thick-film depths (near 20-25 m). The possibilities for practical application of the above effects in energy storage-transfer devices are discussed in details.