A Generalisation of the Sparre Andersen Theorem on Fractal Structures The Sparre Andersen theorem establishes the asymptotical time dependence of the first passage time distribution, in the case of a one dimensional random walk, as t^{−3/2} . We generalize this result to the case of a random walk on an infinite fractal structure, resulting in a time dependence of the form t^{ds /2−2} , where ds is the spectral dimension of the walk. This result is verified numerically and also leads to an expression relating the prefactors of the time dependence of the probability of being at the origin and the first passage time distribution. A more detailed analysis results in the distance dependent asymptotic form of the first passage time distribution, r^{dw −df} t^{ds /2−2} , where dw is the walk dimension and df the fractal dimension. The distance dependence is interestingly found to match that of a random walk in a confined domain, refining the understanding of compact exploration.