A Lagrangian based approach for determining dispersion properties in forced beta plane flows: a laboratory study. Geophysical turbulence is strongly influenced by the effects of the variation of the Coriolis parameter with latitude. When this effect holds, in the cascade process energy is preferentially transferred towards zonal modes. This mechanism leads to the organization of elongated jet-like structures which are nearly stable and dominate the dynamics acting as robust meridional transport barriers. Rhines? theory for unforced and barotropic flows indicates that unless dissipation or the limited size of the field domain arrests the inverse cascade, the energy is transferred towards slowest modes and accumulates in correspondence of the so called ?Rhines scale? thus preventing the growth of vortices in the meridional direction . In this work we analyze Lagrangian data obtained tracking with image analysis styrene particles seedded in a rotating tank where turbulence is generated by continuously forcing a thin layer of an electrolyte solution using a superposition of magnetic and electric fields. The variation of Coriolis parameter is simulated by the parabolic profile of the free surface of the rotating fluid. The obtained (O(10000)) trajectories are used to evaluate the FSLE and analyze spatial anisotropy in the dispersal properties.