This conference
aims at commemorating and honoring our dear friend and colleague
Giovanni Paladin by bringing together scientists working in
statistical mechanics and dynamical systems, scientific disciplines
which were close to his interests and very dear to him.
Giovanni (1958-1996) had a distinguished career in education and
research in
and chaotic systems. In 1992 he became associate professor at the
University of L'Aquila. His enchanting enthusiasm inspired and
introduced many young researchers to his passions: chaos, turbulence,
disordered systems, climbing and skiing. Giovanni left us while
climbing on Gran Sasso.
Large Deviations Theory, whose
applications to turbulence and disordered systems are among the main
contributions by Giovanni, is nowadays a well established theoretical
framework allowing systematic treatments of rare events and
fluctuations going beyond the Gaussian approximation in several
subjects. This conference aims at offering to scientists, coping with
rare events and large deviations in different contexts from physics to
biology, the occasion to exchange ideas, tools and techniques.
Practical information
Online Registration is closed
Final Program available: menu list on the left
Registration starts Monday 23 at 08:00
Conference begins Monday 23 at 09:15
Poster session Tuesday 24 at 16:00
Conference ends Wensday 25 at 13:00
Book of abstracts (the printed version
will be distributed at the registration desk so think twice before
save the trees)
Conference location Aula Conversi - Physics Department, Marconi building I floor -
Click on Blue placeholders in the map for getting info, looks better from LARGER VIEW
Visualizza Aula Conversi - Physics Department - Marconi Building first floor- LARGER VIEW