"Efficiency in molecular motors" Molecular motors exploit the free energy released in the hydrolysis of energetic molecules like ATP to perform work useful for the cell. It is therefore important to know the efficiency of this process, i.e., the ratio between the performed work and the released free energy. The efficiency could reach 100% if the motor worked reversibly, i.e., infinitely slowly, but then its output power would vanish. Thus the relevant quantity is the Efficiency at Maximum Power (EMP). It has been shown that EMP reaches 50% when the motor operates in the linear regime close to equilibrium, but only recently it has been investigated further from equilibrium in models describing the motor as a discrete random process. One can provide a more fundamental model of a molecular motor as a Brownian particle evolving in a two-dimensional continuous space, in which one coordinate represents its spatial position on the substrate and the other coordinate the advancement of the ATP-hydrolysis reaction, subject to a periodic “egg-carton” potential, whose tilt in the direction of the chemical coordinate expresses the free-energy imbalance. We have evaluated the EMP for such a model, with special choices of the potential, and found that it reaches the highest values when the displacements in the spatial and chemical coordinate are tightly bound: in this regime, efficiencies larger that 50% can be reached sufficiently far from equilibrium. When the binding is not tight, the EMP decreases since the motor can perform a chemical hydrolysis cycle without advancing. Our formalism thus allows us to gain a deeper insight into the connection between the mechanics and the thermodynamics of molecular motors.