Welcome to TWiki! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee-kee site), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using any web browser. TWiki looks like a normal web site... except that it encourages contribution and editing of pages, questions, answers, comments and updates. |
What's in a TWiki? |
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- Webs: A TWikiSite is divided into webs, each one represents a workspace for collaboration. This site has the following webs: Sandbox, TNTgroup, TWiki
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- Webs: A TWikiSite is divided into webs, each one represents a workspace for collaboration. This site has the following webs: Sandbox, TNTgroup, TWiki.
- Topics: Each web is made up of hyperlinked topics (wiki pages) that appear in your browser.
Some things to do |
Creating a new topic |
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- See a red-colored WikiWord? That means that there's no topic yet for that NewWikiWord61932. Simply click on the red-link to create a topic with that name. Add your content and save. Done!
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- See a red-colored WikiWord? That means that there's no topic yet for that NewWikiWord1388. Simply click on the red-link to create a topic with that name. Add your content and save. Done!
- To create your own topic, invent a BrandNewWikiWord name and put it into an existing topic. Click on the red-link of BrandNewWikiWord to create the topic.
Viewing the history of a topic |