Difference: TWikiInstallationGuide (66 vs. 67)

Revision 672007-01-30 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Installation Guide

Installation instructions for the TWiki 4.0 production release.
Installation instructions for the TWiki 4.1 production release.
  If you are upgrading from a previous version of TWiki, you probably want to read TWikiUpgradeGuide instead.
Line: 49 to 49
  • Install Plugins if needed - TWiki:Plugins is an extensive library of Plugins for TWiki, that enhance functionality in a huge number of ways. A few Plugins are pre-installed in the TWiki distribution. Installation instructions are included in Plugins you download from TWiki:Plugins.PluginPackage on TWiki.org.


  • The first step is to re-run the configure script and make sure you have resolved all errors, and are happy that you understand any warnings.
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