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Monitoring package. Instrument the code like this:
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This package doesn't smell


This package doesn't smell

use Monitor; Monitor::MARK("Description of event"); Monitor::MARK("Another event");


or, to monitor all the calls to a module
use Monitor; Monitor::MonitorMethod('TWiki::Users');
This package doesn't smell


This package doesn't smell


or a function
use Monitor; Monitor::MonitorMethod('TWiki::Users', 'getCanonicalUserID');
This package doesn't smell


This package doesn't smell


This package doesn't smell

Then set the environment variable TWIKI_MONITOR to a perl true value, and run the script from the command line e.g: $ cd bin $ ./view -topic Myweb/MyTestTopic


The results will be printed to STDERR at the end of the run. Two times are shown, a time relative to the last MARK and a time relative to the first MARK (which is always set the first time this package is used). The final column is total memory.
NOTE: it uses /proc - so its linux specific...
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  This package has smell factor of 2




Configure GUI checker for Certificate items.

This checker validates files that contain X.509 certificates, such as for the S/MIME signatures and for the Tasks framework.

It must be subclassed for the various certificate types, as the requirements are slightly different.

This package doesn't smell


Configure GUI checker for Certificate Key items.


This checker validates files that contain private key files such as for the S/MIME signatures and for the Tasks framework.

It must be subclassed for the various certificate types, as the requirements are slightly different.

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  This module consists of just a single subroutine readConfig. It allows to safely modify configuration variables for one single run without affecting
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  This package doesn't smell





This package has smell factor of 2

Line: 197 to 166
 Global variables are avoided wherever possible to avoid problems with CGI accelerators such as mod_perl.

Public Data members


Public Data members

  • request Pointer to the TWiki::Request
  • response Pointer to the TWiki::Respose
  • context Hash of context ids
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  This package has smell factor of 38




The engine class is a singleton that implements details about TWiki's execution mode. This is the base class and implements basic behavior.

Each engine should inherits from this and overload methods necessary to achieve correct behavior.


This package has smell factor of 1

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  This package has smell factor of 1





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Line: 324 to 301
 $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION. The 'Since' field in the function documentation refers to $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION.
Notes on use of $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION (from 1.2 forwards):
Notes on use of $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 6.00 and later:
  • If the major version (e.g. 1.) is the same then any plugin coded to use any earlier revision of the 1. API will still work. No function has been removed from the interface, nor has any API published in that version changed in such a way as to require plugins to be recoded.
  • If the minor version (e.g. 1.1) is incremented there may be changes in the API that may help improve the coding of some plugins - for example, new interfaces giving access to previously hidden core functions. In addition, deprecation of functions in the interface trigger a minor version increment. Note that deprecated functions are not removed, they are merely frozen, and plugin authors are recommended to stop using them.
  • Any additional digits in the version number relate to minor changes, such as the addition of parameters to the existing functions, or addition of utility functions that are unlikely to require significant changes to existing plugins.
  • The version number is now aligned with the TWiki release version.
  • A TWiki-6.7.8 release will have a $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION = 6.78.
  • In an unlikely case where the patch number is 10 or larger, the patch number is added to the previous patch number. For example, TWiki-6.7.9 will have version 6.79, TWiki-6.7.10 will have 6.7910, and TWiki-6.7.11 will have 6.7911. This ensures that the version number can sort properly.
  • TWiki::Plugins::VERSION also applies to the plugin handlers. The handlers are documented in the EmptyPlugin, and that module indicates what version of TWiki::Plugins::VERSION it relates to.
Line: 459 to 428
 The package is also a Factory for login managers and also the base class for all login managers.
On it's own, an object of this class is used when you specify 'none' in
On its own, an object of this class is used when you specify 'none' in
 the security setup section of configure. When it is used, logins are not supported. If you want to authenticate users then you should
Line: 499 to 468
 The last step in TWiki::new is to find the user, using whatever user mapping manager is in place.

ObjectData twiki

The TWiki object this login manager is attached to.
This package has smell factor of 8


This package has smell factor of 8
Class to provide CGI::Session like infra-structure, compatible with TWiki Runtime Engine mechanisms other than CGI.

It inherits from CGI::Session and redefine methods that uses %ENV directly, replacing by calls to TWiki::Request object, that is passed to constructor.

It also redefines name method, to avoid creating CGI object.




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  This package has smell factor of 2


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Support for merging strings

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This package has smell factor of 4


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  topic => $topic, params => [ 'bigtoe', 'hot tap' ] );

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This package has smell factor of 2

Line: 753 to 735
This package has smell factor of 23
This package has smell factor of 21


Class to encapsulate request data.


  • action action requested (view, edit, save, ...)
  • cookies hashref whose keys are cookie names and values are CGI::Cookie objects
  • headers hashref whose keys are header name
  • request_method request method (GET, HEAD, POST)
  • param hashref of parameters, both query and body ones
  • param_list arrayref with parameter names in received order
  • path_info path_info of request (eg. /WebName/TopciName)
  • remote_address Client's IP address
  • remote_user Remote HTTP authenticated user
  • secure Boolean value about use of encryption
  • server_port Port that the webserver listens on
  • uploads hashref whose keys are parameter name of uploaded files
  • uri the request uri



This package has smell factor of 1





Class to encapsulate response data.

Fields: * status - response status * headers - hashref to response headers * body - response body * cookies - hashref to response cookies


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This package has smell factor of 13
This package has smell factor of 12


Line: 861 to 872
  • need to tidy up dealing with \n for differences
  • still have difficulty on line ending at end of sequences, consequence of doing a line based diff

File format


File format

rcstext    ::=  admin {delta}* desc {deltatext}*
Line: 941 to 952
  Forking implementation of the RCS cache search.

search($searchString, $topics, $options, $sDir) -> \%seen

Search .txt files in $dir for $searchString. See RcsFile::searchInWebContent for details.

This package has smell factor of 3

Line: 953 to 960
  Pure perl implementation of the RCS cache search.

search($searchString, $topics, $options, $sDir) -> \%seen

Search .txt files in $dir for $string. See RcsFile::searchInWebContent for details.

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  This package doesn't smell




UI delegate for copy function

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Coordinator of execution flow and service functions used by the UI packages


This package doesn't smell

Line: 1006 to 1020
  This package has smell factor of 4


UI delegate for mdrepo function

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UI delegate for oops function

Line: 1132 to 1154
 No registration - this is a read only usermapper. It uses the mapper prefix 'BaseUserMapping_'.








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This package has smell factor of 6
This package has smell factor of 7


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  This package has smell factor of 14
There were a total of 220 smells

There were a total of 219 smells
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