Difference: SiteMap (20 vs. 21)

Revision 212013-08-07 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Site Map

TWiki is divided up into webs, also known as workspaces or collaboration spaces.

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Web Description Links
"\* Set SITEMAPLIST \= on" type="regex" web="Main, TWiki, all"
"\* *Set *SITEMAPLIST *\= *on" type="regex" web="Main, TWiki, all"
  topic="WebPreferences" nonoise="on" format="| $percntCALCULATE{$SET(weblist, $SPLIT(/, $web))
$REPEAT(\"\", $INT($LISTSIZE($GET(weblist)) - 1))\"\" $LISTITEM(-1, $GET(weblist))
}$percnt |$pattern(.*?\* Set SITEMAPWHAT\s*=([^\n\r]*).*) |
\"Search\" \"Changes\" \"Notification\" \"Statistics\" \"Preferences\"
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.SiteMap.